Organists and Organ Playing

Back to square one

The meaning of the phrase back to square one is to return to the beginning of something, either due to failure or because things did not go as planned.

I guess I don’t have to remind you that the move to this new site has been a nightmare. I realized today that the email addresses of people who supposedly subscribed to my new blog went to Never Never Land, never to be seen again! What alerted me to this situation was that when I tried to call up a list of subscribers, all I got was the number 1, representing myself!

Well, sure, I want to know that the blog post went through, but it doesn’t do me any good to be the only subscriber!


Okay, I installed a new subscriber form to the top right. Pretty please, can you enter your name and email address in the block? I’m hopeful that maybe this time it will work.

Fingers crossed!

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