Organists and Organ Playing

Like moving to a foreign country!

This morning on my daily walk, I was listening to a Spanish podcast in which the host (Australian) was interviewing a recent immigrant from Spain. She expressed her fear of moving from Spain to Australia, whether she would find any new friends, whether she would find a job, where she would live, whether she knew enough English to communicate and so on. When she finally DID move with her boyfriend, the transition turned out to be much harder than she anticipated.

Well, I can tell you that moving to this new webhost has been a similar experience—I feel like I’m in a foreign country because although I have been using WordPress (the blogging software) for over 11 years now, things have been much more difficult than I anticipated. Things that I knew how to do in the old platform simply are not the same over here.

Take, for example, the compilation of an archive listing of posts, which you now can find in two places: at the very top above the header to the right:

and in the sidebar, where you can see this:

It was soooo easy to do in the previous blog, but it literally took me the entire weekend to get the Archives in the form I wanted, as you can see in the sample below.

A listing of the 2021 posts.

Please be patient as we work out the kinks. It will just take a period of time before everything is put in its proper place and all the photos restored to the older posts.

Most of all, though, I want to thank you for reading all this drivel. Believe me, I am so appreciative of the time you have taken in reading about my life as an organist and otherwise crazy person. If you have not already done so, please update your Bookmarks so you can find our new home and resubscribe (please see the sidebar to the right.)