Organists and Organ Playing

Messiah at Easter

This coming Friday night, I’ll be accompanying the Iolani School Chorus and Hokulea Singers in their spring concert under director John Alexander. The opening work is the famous “Hallelujah” Chorus by George Frideric Handel, which you’re more likely to hear at Christmas rather than in Eastertide. I recommend you read “The Glorious History of Handel’s… Read More Messiah at Easter

Organists and Organ Playing

A leap of faith

Fourteen years ago, our Hawai’i Chapter of the American Guild of Organists took a leap of faith when it decided to present organist Paul Jacobs for a concert. I had been absolutely wowed by Paul’s performance at St. Ignatius Loyola in New York City and vowed to have him come to Hawaii for a concert.… Read More A leap of faith

Organists and Organ Playing

How loud is loud?

One hundred fifty years ago on Ascension Day, 1867, Queen Emma Kaleleonālani, wife of King Kamehameha IV, founded St. Andrew’s Priory School for Girls. Today’s Ascension Day service combined orchestra, band, choir, organ and congregation to celebrate the school’s founding—and the decibel level in St. Andrew’s Cathedral was so loud that when I played full… Read More How loud is loud?

Organists and Organ Playing

Aloha, Frances

Tonight I went to the Church of the Crossroads where I attended a memorial service for Frances Viglielmo, a former soprano in the Lutheran Church of Honolulu choir. I mentioned her name once before in my blog post called “Blue and red“, when I wrote about the “defectors”— singers who sang at St. Andrew’s Cathedral for… Read More Aloha, Frances