Organists and Organ Playing

Triumph Against the Odds

Jennifer Lane, second from right, is the guest director for Friday's concert.
Jennifer Lane, second from right, is the guest director for Friday’s concert.

When you open the program booklet at Friday night’s Early Music Hawaii concert, Triumph Against the Odds, here’s what you’ll read:

This program is the inspiration of Carl Crosier who, as Artistic Director of
EMH for three seasons, wished to present one of his favorite repertories in the magnificent ambience for which it was originally intended. He chose the composers and the individual works with great care and love, and engaged the leading women performers of our community to give it life. He requested that we present it, as designed and on schedule, even if he could not be present in person. He is with us in spirit and we bring his inspiration to you in celebration of a life devoted to music, in this case the early sacred music dear to his heart and soul.

Connie Uejio rehearses with her Renaissance harp.
Connie Uejio rehearses with her Renaissance harp.

Last night we had the first rehearsal of the concert music — all of it composed by women, and all of it will be performed by women. You’ll think that you’ve stepped back in time — to a convent perhaps. In fact, many of the composers whose works will be performed Friday were nuns, including Kassia (810-c.860), Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), and Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (1602-1678). You can guess that in a male-dominated society, women had to fight hard to be recognized, therefore the title of the concert, “Triumph Against the Odds” speaks to the unique success of this music.

From the program notes by Ian Capps:

Many well educated young women took the veil, sang, composed and published fine sacred music, even though stringent restrictions were imposed by the Council of Trent on music-making by nuns, especially with instruments. 

For sure, this will be a unique program and not to be missed! Please mark your calendars for Friday, Sept. 19th, 7:30 pm at St. Theresa’s Co-Cathedral, 712 N. School Street.

Advance ticket purchases may be made at the Early Music Hawaii website.

Here’s a video of “O virtus sapientiae” by Hildegard, which will give you a little taste of the musical banquet to be served:
