Organists and Organ Playing

One man’s journey to Compostela

Back in 2018, I signed up for The Marian Sbrines and Way of St. James tour with GoAhead Tours, and as you know, there weren’t enough people signed up for the trip to be viable. The tour was then postponed three times until this year 2022.

Curiously, though, there were four other people from Hawaii who signed up back in 2018, and I always wondered who they were. Two of them were Dale V.-S. and his wife, Bev, plus two friends of theirs. According to Dale, it was his wife who really wanted to make this pilgrimage. Sadly, Bev died of cancer about a year and a half ago, but Dale came anyway to honor her memory.

Dale at one time was a pastor with the Hawai’i Conference United Church of Christ—and was surprised to learn that I know Joan Ishibashi! Small world!

Dale V-S.

Here’s what he wrote on Facebook: We walked the path of The Way of St James, Camino de Santiago, on the way to Leon, Spain. The fresh wind brought whispers of sadness for Bev’s absence and her gentle voice of kind encouragement. Jesus words to take up my own cross daily brought the reminder to release the regrets of wishing I had been more present to Bev, to God, to others with my life. These thoughts weighed on me today in the quiet of walking. I just then looked up and saw this cross float over head among the clouds. Another whisper of Christ came with the wind calling me to receive the gift of Christ cross that gives healing, recovery and new life. Once more the invitation to release and receive the care of God that comes in surrender. Dear family and friends I carry your prayers and love with me on this journey, gratefully. Hugs.

I was thinking of Dale as we walked through another segment of the Way of St. James this afternoon, Melide to Boente. Our local guide, Eva, led us on a cool journey through the lush forest and crossed medieval bridges. Miracle of miracles, although there was a 100% chance of rain, when we walked, there was no rain at all!

¡Buen camino!

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