
Doc Martin fans — Reunion!

It was in September 2019 that my relationship to other fans of the TV show, “Doc Martin,” and my life changed. I had already joined several Facebook groups, “Doc Martin (Martin Clunes) Fan Club,” “Doc Martin Fans,” “Season 9 and 10 Doc Martin Spoilers” etc. and was happy to see other people’s posts about the show and about the stars, Martin Clunes and Caroline Catz. It was then that I saw an appeal to non-UK Doc Martin fans to send in a video greeting to Martin and Caroline:

As part of the show, we’d like loads of international Doc Martin fans to send a video message to Martin and Caroline. In the video, we’d like for you to introduce yourself and say where you’re from — to say a quick hello to Martin and Caroline and explain that you’re a big fan, and then end the video with a question you’ve always wanted to know. The video must be roughly 20 to 30 seconds!

I wrote about the whole saga in my post, “OMG! I’m on the BBC!” although I wasn’t officially notified that my video was chosen. Then, as I was scrolling through Facebook, I saw Gaby Otterbach’s post about the show:

HEY! That’s me! That was when I knew my video was chosen. If you’d like to see the video, you can click here.

It was shortly after that, that a bunch of Doc Martin fans started writing to me, especially those who post a lot in those Facebook groups. Gaby asked me for my address and sent me several autographed Doc Martin photos, and later when I “won” one of her contests, and she had even more autographed photos to give away, I had her send them to my friend Joan Ishibashi in London, who is also a fan of the show. Gaby also invited me to join a group text with other die-hard Doc Martin fans, and it’s where I’ve found many new friends.

Many of the Doc Martin fans have been to Port Isaac numerous times, so when I found out many of them were coming THIS week to make a pilgrimage, I booked my ticket to coincide with their visit.

One of them is Anneke Laoh from the Netherlands, shown above in the pink blouse, whom I saw outside of Doc Martin’s surgery on our first day here.

Since this photo was taken, I think we’ve seen Anneke about three or four times at other locations in the village.

We call Anneke the “Lego Lady” because she has custom-ordered special Lego pieces to create the Doc Martin characters and filming locations.

Doc Martin’s surgery

Yesterday we attended a luncheon of the Journey to Port Isaac Facebook group which was held at the Chapel Cafe, the site of a long-ago closed Methodist church. I had their “Famous Fish Fingers Sandwich” … delicious!

Famous Fish Fingers Sandwich from the Chapel Cafe

When we visited here before, the space was used as a pottery and gift shop and the pipe organ was covered up. Now, though, the Chapel Cafe has new owners as of 2022 and the organ has been uncovered. Unfortunately, it was in very bad shape and could not be played.

I had the Chapel Cafe’s “Famous Fish Finger Sandwich” for lunch

Another person I made contact with over the years through the Doc Martin Facebook groups was Amy Leddy, a career counselor now retired from Penn State. During the early days of the pandemic she was unable to obtain a face mask so I sent her a couple of my early models. We finally met in person in Port Isaac yesterday!

With Amy Leddy. In the background is Kathy Quinn Caputo, another new Facebook friend from the Journey to Port Isaac group.

Guess who came to our luncheon?! It was actor Ian McNeice, who plays Bert Large, who, according to The Mirror, “He plays plumber Bert Large in Doc Martin, but off screen actor Ian McNeice reckons he has become an international sex symbol. Wherever he goes, he is mobbed by women of a certain age who want to kiss and cuddle him – and know all about what he wears in bed.

Bert Large and Shy Ridley, the organizer of the luncheon.
Looking on us from above. I’m in the aqua jacket.
The Chapel Cafe closed to the public during our event.
All attendees at the luncheon received one of these buttons.
I got a prize for coming from the farthest (from Hawaii), a beautiful cashmere scarf.

Today I met Gaby Otterbach in person! She lives in Germany and is what I call “Martin Clunes’ ambassador” for her many contacts with Martin. She and I have texted many times over the years and I met her along with other Doc Martin fans who are staying in a beautiful house overlooking the Doc’s surgery.

At last! meeting dear Gaby Otterbach in person.
Look at Amy’s socks!
“Insanely rabid Doc Martin fans” meet in Portwenn — the Clunatics! (L-R) Carol Ann, Gaby Otterbach, Kathy Quinn Caputo, Amy Leddy, Tina Gill, Joan Ishibashi, and myself

5 thoughts on “Doc Martin fans — Reunion!

  1. This was so interesting; thank you!
    Like many ‘Doc Martin’ enthusiasts, I have watched all 9 seasons again this past winter!
    Can’t wait for the showing of the 10th and final season of Doc Martin here in the United States.

  2. Awesome to meet you and thanks for planning your trip to coincide with our journeys. ( I picked out the scarf knowing you had come from Hawaii and watched you shop around a bit. Saw how much you liked it.)
    Just so you know it was kind to “rigged.” But I’m glad you like it.

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