Organists and Organ Playing

We have our answer!

When I wondered what repertoire was played at Salisbury Cathedral, where people heard organ music while receiving their vaccinations, I found this article which revealed that the organists played Bach, Handel and Pachelbel: “Beautiful organ music soothes people having Covid-19 at Salisbury Cathedral.

If you click the link, you can even view a video of people being vaccinated with organ music in the background.

I see another organist uses Post-It notes on his music!

“John Challenger said in a tweet he “would be playing Handel’s Largo and much more great organ music” as the 800-year-old building became a vaccination hub.

His colleague David Halls, who has been playing at the cathedral since 1985, told The Times he had been playing Bach’s ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’. He said: “We’ve tried to provide something serene and soothing, and it’s been a privilege to take part. People have been really listening. We’ve even had applause.”

Here are some reactions I received on the call for repertoire suggestions:

Sarum Serum (Joseph Z. Pettit)
Vaccine for the Common Man (Glen Leggoe)
Something peaceful like Mendelssohn Prelude in G (Don Jackson)
Breathe on me, breath of God (Rich Arenschieldt)

And on John Challenger’s Twitter Feed:

How wonderful! A great way to introduce locals to the inside of their cathedral, promoting the chances of a second visit (eg for a service). Surprising how many people feel a connection with the outside of churches but think the inside is not for them. #Bravo (Louise Amende)

Worth travelling from Scotland just for organ requests. If so, I’ll have Widor V (but the first movement, please, not the toccata!) (Andy)

Great idea using cathedral—I saw Litchfield was open from this week. Cathedrals are a great idea to use as the pews can be removed leaving huge spaces for vaccination. Let’s hope more are used in this way. Great idea to have music as well to cheer people up while waiting. (Malcolm Hill)

Perhaps all or more of our great Cathedrals could be similarly used for vaccinations? It would introduce and bring people in,who may otherwise never think to enter these buildings, and introduce them to their great heritage? (June McCarthy)

This is amazing! Will you be taking requests? If you’re around by the time I get mine, I would like some really noisy Messiaen. (Samara Ginsberg)

[Ed. Note: In my post, you may recall that if I had this opportunity to play the Salisbury Cathedral organ, I would have played the music of Messiaen (!) — and someone even suggested Dieu Parmi Nous! (Russ Fitton) which I embedded in my last post. “Great minds think alike!]

Other tweets may be seen here.