Organists and Organ Playing

The 12 Days of Christmas

It’s December 26th, the second day of Christmas and a rainy day here in Hawaii, but I wanted to share something fun for you. Who says that organ music is dull and boring?!

EastWestOrganists is a group of ten organ colleagues who seek out individual concert engagements and have collaborated on one other video, Bach’s “Orgelbüchlein.” They include Nicole Keller, Anne Laver, Timothy Olsen, Mark Pacoe, Kola Owolabi, Daniel Brondel, Daniel Aune, Jennifer Pascual, Christa Miller and Frederick Teardo.

Here is the information on the organists as provided in the video description:

On the FIRST day of Christmas my true love sent to me A partridge in a pear tree (played by NICOLE KELLER)

On the SECOND day of Christmas my true love sent to me Two turtle doves, (played by ANNE LAVER) And a partridge in a pear tree.

On the THIRD day of Christmas my true love sent to me Three French hens, (played by TIMOTHY OLSEN) Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree. Subsequent verses follow the same pattern, each adding one new gift and repeating all the earlier gifts so that each verse is one line longer than its predecessor:

FOUR calling birds (played by MARK PACOE) FIVE gold rings (played by KOLA OWOLABI) SIX geese a-laying (played by DANIEL BRONDEL) SEVEN swans a-swimming (played by DANIEL AUNE) EIGHT maids a-milking (played by JENNIFER PASCUAL) NINE ladies dancing (played by FREDERICK TEARDO) TEN lords a-leaping (played by NICOLE KELLER) ELEVEN pipers piping (played by CRISTA MILLER) TWELVE drummers drumming (12 through 10 played by KOLA OWOLABI, 9 through 5 by TIMOTHY OLSEN, and 4 through 1 by FREDERICK TEARDO)

What fun!

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