Organists and Organ Playing

Women over 60

In last night’s Voces8 concert, the director, Barnaby Smith, told us they were studying the demographics of their audience worldwide, and learned the biggest group of fans were women aged over 60! That’s us! Cadogan Hall looked completely sold out to us.

One of the pieces we really enjoyed was Jonathan Dove’s “In Beauty May I Walk.” Luckily I found it on YouTube for you to enjoy.

I really enjoyed “Underneath the Stars” by Kate Rusby, arranged by Jim Clements, who has done nearly all of their arrangements for the last 15 years. He was in the audience tonight.

The last piece on the program was “It don’t mean a thing” by Duke Ellington arranged by Ben Parry, which I found on YouTube:

These choral arrangements are difficult to sing because of their close harmonies and Voces8 sang them extremely well! What an enjoyable night!

In spite of having no sleep for over 30 hours, I thought for sure that I would fall asleep once my head hit the pillow. Wrong! I finished last night’s blog post about 10:45 pm, then fell asleep briefly only to be wide awake at 1:15 am. It was not until after 4 am that I finally was able to go back to sleep and then I woke up at 8:03 am.

Hey, I just read an article in the Washington Post yesterday about jet lag being GOOD for you!

Researchers at Northwestern University say jet lag could help prevent degenerative brain diseases. They tested jet lag on fruit flies which have similar 24-hour patterns to people. They found the time changes produced a little bit of stress, which protected their neurons related to Huntington’s disease.

So maybe I won’t get Alzheimer’s after all?!