Organists and Organ Playing

Carl’s final gift

Friends and family pay their respects.
Friends and family pay their respects.
The beautiful yellow rose casket spray was given by the Hawaii Chapter, American Guild of Organists
The beautiful yellow rose casket spray was given by the Hawaii Chapter, American Guild of Organists

Over and over, people came up to tell me that they felt that Carl Crosier had given Honolulu a final gift — the music at his funeral mass and the whole experience was so achingly beautiful and so uplifting that they were totally transcended.

Some of them told me that they had never heard this music before — in fact, when was the last time you heard the complete Latin mass? and sung so exquisitely by an all-women’s choir?

Yellow roses were Carl's favorite.
Yellow roses were Carl’s favorite.

He planned every single detail — from deciding upon the church (St. Theresa’s), to contracting the choir singers, to choosing the music, to selecting the pre-service music, and even telling me what he was going to wear.

[When the mortuary director told me to bring his clothes, he said: “Don’t forget to bring his underwear! I said, “Oh no! Carl didn’t pick that out!!”]

Friends and family gather at St. Theresa's to bid Carl a final farewell.
Friends and family gather at St. Theresa’s to bid Carl a final farewell.
Pallbearers bring the casket to the church
Pallbearers bring the casket to the church
With Jason Anderson, who flew from Seattle
With Jason Anderson, Compline Choir director,  who came from Seattle for the service

Here are just a few of the many comments I received:

Carl’s funeral was the most beautiful and inspirational I have ever experienced! It is just like Carl to go out in style!! (Diane Koshi)

We sang today to God and to Carl. May we all sing together again in Paradise. (Karen Sender)

It was an honor to sing today. I can only imagine the music that greeted Carl when he arrived. (Aggie Stevens-Gleason Kusunoki)

(The) service was most beautiful and moving, from the introductory music to the mass itself, the readings and the homily. In fact, in every way. I believe Carl would have rejoiced in it. (Ian Capps)

It was an incredible experience singing with all of you yesterday—a true honor. Mahalo for the opportunity to sing for this service and to sing with such an incredible group of ladies. It was an experience I will never, ever forget. Such an honor!  I was enriched yesterday and came away with even more determination to keep the music going! Kathy, the service was beyond anything I could have imagined. (Susan Duprey)

The funeral was amazing beautiful, Kathy. Two days later, I am still thinking about it. (Daryl Akamichi)

You sounded sublime at Carl’s Requiem. Thank you for singing so beautifully. (Tim Carney)

Carl’s service was the most beautiful service I have ever heard. (Karen Leatherman)

Here is an audio clip of the final piece of music for the service, the ancient In paradisum, sung by the women’s choir as the coffin was wheeled down the center aisle to the back of the church, with the family following in procession. If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of the church bells tolling, as Carl is greeted by the the angels of heaven.

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All were invited to throw flowers into the grave.
All were invited to throw flowers into the open grave.

1 thought on “Carl’s final gift

  1. Dear Kathy,
    I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful an experience Carl’s Funeral was for me. I had not heard the Latin Mass sang by a Choir of women since my Boarding School days at Sacred Hearts Convent…the gifts from Carl just go on and on. He will remain in my heart and mind for a long long time with grateful tears and thanks to our Father for putting him in my life. Thanks for being such a wonderful life partner for him.
    Aloha hope to see you soon,

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