Organists and Organ Playing

We are in Boston!

Joey is one of the Fellows at the AGO convention.
Here Joey is shown with Peter Rudowicz moving a continuo organ into Copley Place. This is part of a community outreach project celebrating the pipe organ.

We had to get up at the ungodly hour of 3:30 am (!) in order to make our plane to Boston, which left Portland at 5:55 am. We are staying in Newton Centre with our good friend, Edith Ho, who was for many years the organist-choirmaster of the Church of the Advent. She has recently made the acquaintance of Frank Olney, who lives only three blocks away, and will be giving us rides back from the American Guild of Organists convention sites. Frank apparently is both an organist and an architect, and met my former student, Joey Fala, who is studying architecture at Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute. Joey wrote: I visited the AGO library last summer and the librarian asked me what I was doing in Boston for the summer.  When I told her I was there for an internship, she said, “You have to meet Frank! He’s an organist and an architect, and he works here at the library!”

We are looking forward to reuniting with Joey who is a Fellow (student worker) here at the convention.

Fellows of the Boston AGO Convention at Copley Place.
Fellows of the Boston AGO Convention at Copley Place. Joey is fourth from the right.