Organists and Organ Playing

ALCM Opening Eucharist

The Rene Marceau organ at St. Michael's Lutheran Portland
The Rene Marceau organ at St. Michael’s Lutheran Portland
St. Michael's Lutheran Church, Portland, OR
St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, Portland, OR

One of the unique and most enjoyable activities of Association of Lutheran Church Musician (ALCM) conferences are the meaningful worship services, and this morning’s service was certainly on a par with other conference services. That meant hearing the thrilling sound of a whole congregation of organists and choirmasters singing to creative hymn playing, an inspired homily which was impossible to fall asleep to, and overall beautiful music making. The organist was Dr. Paul Klemme, of Willamette University in Salem, OR; the homilist was Rev. Dr. Ted Moeller, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Vancouver, WA. We were introduced to a very singable new communion setting by Kenneth DeJong.

The gospel procession.
The gospel procession.

Last week, before the conference opened, the ALCM regional officers (that includes me, as Vice-President) were asked to “volunteer” as service participants in the opening Eucharist. Besides myself, I also “volunteered” Carl to help out, since he is at heart a church rat, as I explained to the committee. So Carl acted as the crucifer and server at communion, while I was one of the lectors, and read the long first lesson, Acts 10:1-29.

My sister Doris Au MacDonald and her singing partner, Sharon Dennis (also known as “The Braeded Chord”) are also here at the conference as vendors, so we have had a good time enjoying the ALCM conference together.

Two sisters at ALCM.
Two sisters at ALCM.