Organists and Organ Playing

If you are in New York


And even if you’re not, perhaps you would like to know about a special concert this Friday:

The Sacred & the Avant-Garde
Joey Fala, organist
Friday, February 28
7:00 pm

First United Presbyterian Church
1915 Fifth Avenue
Troy, NY. 12180

Te Deum (Jeanne Demessieux)
Chant de paix (Jean Langlais)
Litanies (Jehan Alain)
Choral dorien (Jehan Alain)
Victimae paschali (Charles Tournemire)
Le banquet célèste (Olivier Messiaen)
Dieu parmi nous (Olivier Messiaen)

Joey asked the question, What do birdsong, Indian talas, LeCorbusier, his chapel in Ronchamp, and the music of Olivier Messiaen all have in common? Find out Friday.

Joey said that he is taking a class in architectural history and theory and he saw a great link between design and music of this period. The organ that he is playing is a three manual Instrument, originally a Hutchings and Votey, and reworked by Austin. Read more about the organ by clicking here.



Wish we could be there !