Organists and Organ Playing

A mountaintop experience

Beebe Freitas

Out of the many compliments I received for my concert, I was especially honored to receive this one from Beebe Freitas, one of the most respected musicians in Honolulu, and one of the few to be designated a Living Treasure of Hawaii. I have known Beebe nearly all the 40 years I have lived in Hawaii, and I’m hoping she won’t mind my sharing her email to us. Beebe is a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory, studied at Juilliard, and is considered THE piano accompanist of Honolulu, as well as being the organist of First Presbyterian Church.

20130819-185101.jpgWOW!! What an unbelievably Spiritual Experience today was ! Kathy, you are AMAZING! I hope this is going to be in some archives forever and ever….via Pierre, of course……and I want to be in on the pressings!!! ….. Kathy, you are so often the Supporter, …..but today you were THE Conveyer of His Majesty: J. S. Bach……revealing to all of us What Wonders He Hath Wrought! I was in awe….the presentation was so clean, so lean, so pure, so elegant, so personal, so elevated, so true to what Bach wrote… so beautiful! the presentation of Carl’s Superb Chorale-singers followed by YOU and your impeccable BACHANALIA!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MY MOUNTAINTOP EXPERIENCE!! ~ beebe ~

20130819-190027.jpgAnd this is the reply my husband sent her:

Thanks for your kind e-mail. Yes, this music is the best of the best, played and communicated absolutely beautifully by Kathy. I was incredibly proud of her. The choristers were so happy to be a part of it, and I really enjoyed following the chorale melodies provided in the program to hear how the great master Bach presented them in truly compelling and artful ways.

We are all looking forward to the next installment opening with the great setting of “Nun danket alle Gott”.

It wonderful that such magnificent music from the 18th century still touches us so deeply today.

Soli Deo Gloria for giving us Johann Sebastian Bach to continue to so enrich our lives.


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