Organists and Organ Playing

Christmas Eve at LCH

Christmas at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu.
Christmas at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu.

Christmas around LCH takes on the nature of a marathon where endurance and training are the name of the game. I met with former student, Joey Fala, on Friday to review all the music for the three services (two on Christmas Eve and one on Christmas Day). As I handed him “The Book,” which I compiled containing all the organ accompaniments, I was thinking to myself, “Boy, you have it easy!!” thinking of the six services we did over December 24-26, 2010. Still, it’s a formidable list of hymns, anthems, and liturgical music, not to mention the solo organ music.

As promised, here is the repertoire list for Christmas Eve:

Music before the service
Cantata, Uns ist ein Kind geboren, BWV 142 (Bach/Kuhnau)
Cantata, Gloria in excelsis Deo, BWV 191 (Bach)

Processional Hymn: O come all ye faithful (Phillip Ledger, descant)
Kyrie: Missa Brevis in D minor (W.A. Mozart)
Gloria: Missa Brevis in D minor (W.A. Mozart)
Psalm 96 (Forrest Pierce)
Sequence Hymn: Of the father’s love begotten
Hymn of the Day: What child is this (Withrow, descant)
Credo: Missa Brevis in D minor (W. A. Mozart)
Offertory: O magnum mysterium (John Harbison, b. 1938)
Sanctus: Missa Brevis in D minor (W.A. Mozart)
Benedictus: Missa Brevis in D minor (W.A. Mozart)
Agnus Dei: Missa Brevis in D minor (W.A. Mozart)
Communion: What is this lovely fragrance (Paul Manz)
Communion: Theme from “A Boy was Born” (Benjamin Britten)
Communion Hymn: Silent night
Recessional Hymn: Love has come (Un flambeau)
Organ Postlude: Vom Himmel hoch (Bach)

I hope Joey remembered to use the zimbelstern on the postlude!