Organists and Organ Playing

Nothing like a new coat of paint

Miguel in the newly-painted and rearranged Music Director office
Miguel in the newly-painted and rearranged Music Director office

There is nothing like a new coat of paint to jumpstart the new choir season! Today when I met with Miguel Felipe to help him type his first LCH bulletin, I couldn’t help but notice that the Music Director’s office had been completely repainted and the furniture rearranged over the weekend. Wow, everything looks so clean and neat!

It took us about an hour-and-a-half this afternoon to produce this week’s 10:30 bulletin but in the future, this should go much faster. Typically I would spend about 30-40 minutes a week typing the bulletin, which includes complete titles of the music, composers and their dates, texts and translations of the offertory and communion anthems, in addition to the hymn titles and numbers, prayers, and listing of the next two weeks prescribed readings.

The bulletin also includes the actual music for the psalm antiphon (usually from the Ionian Psalter by Peter Hallock) and the Gospel Acclamation. And of course, the participants (deacon, subdeacon, lector, assisting ministers, acolytes, etc.) change every week, so their names are included.

Allen and Miguel map out the Thursday night rehearsal.
Allen and Miguel map out the Thursday night rehearsal.

Because of the insertion of the music, the Music Department has produced the bulletins for the services at LCH for decades rather than this being the responsibility of the church office. Quite honestly, sometimes the most difficult part of typing the bulletin was remembering to bring a copy of each piece of music home so I would have all the texts to input.

It’s been just about a year that I have typed bulletins for LCH and I am happy to pass the job to someone else. Thanks, Miguel!