Organists and Organ Playing

The Music! The Legacy! The T-Shirt!

Here is a sketch of what the front of the T-Shirt will look like.
Here is a draft of what the front of the T-Shirt might look like. The fonts and colors may be different.

Yesterday during the announcements time at the 10:30 service, Georgine Stark stood up to say that she is taking orders for a Carl Crosier commemorative T-Shirt. Available in small, medium, large, XL and XXL sizes, the T-Shirt will cost $15 and lists the major choral and instrumental works which have been performed at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu during Carl’s tenure, 1973-2011. (Sorry, we don’t yet know what color the shirt will be — it will depend on color availability.) Someone asked, “How BIG is this shirt, anyway?!”

In case you would like to see what kind of musical legacy this is, you can click LCH Choral Works list to see all the major choral works and the dates they were performed. Remember, this list is only the MAJOR works! You can imagine why we need to have a well-organized system for storing and all this music!

It seems that many people yesterday didn’t get a chance to fill out an order form, so if you are interested in getting a shirt, please contact Georgine. More order forms will be available next Sunday, June 5th (don’t forget that we go to a single morning service at 9:15 am). The deadline for placing T-Shirt orders is June 12th. Please make checks payable to Georgine Stark — payment is also due June 12th.

Shirts will be ready for pickup after the 9:15 am service on July 10th.