Organists and Organ Playing

Aloha, Bud!

My organist and Symphony buddy, Sam Lam, texted me with the news: “Bud Klein died Sept. 27.” This was a shock to me, as I’ve known Henry C. “Bud” Klein for over 40 years. He was primarily known to me as the choir director emeritus of Waiokeola Congregational Church. He was one of the original… Read More Aloha, Bud!

Organists and Organ Playing

A HUGE leap of faith!

One constant in our Hawai’i Chapter American Guild of Organist concerts is the “spiel” given by Karl Bachman at intermission to encourage people to give offerings. I always look forward to hearing these little “sermonettes” — filled with humor, and sometimes I’ve gotten a shout-out. Here is an excerpt from yesterday’s concert with Adam Pajan:… Read More A HUGE leap of faith!

Organists and Organ Playing

Melk Abbey

It was already time to say goodbye to Vienna so after breakfast we loaded our luggage into a trailer attached to our double decker bus. It was only about halfway to our destination that the Hawaii Masterworks Chorus director, Tim Carney, came to tell me that the Abbey had given me permission to play the… Read More Melk Abbey