Organists and Organ Playing

The exit hymn

This morning I attended the 11:00 am service at Blessed Sacrament Church in Hollywood, CA where I came to hear organist Hyunju Hwang play the organ. You may remember that it was a year ago last summer that I heard her stunning playing at the Bakersfield AGO convention (see my post “The power of music”… Read More The exit hymn

Organists and Organ Playing

Tug of war

This morning, I played for All-School Christmas Chapel in the Lower Gym at Iolani School. The nativity story is narrated by the second grade class, which includes a pageant, interspersed with familiar Christmas carols. Because of my recent post in which I bragged that I could probably play any Christmas carol without looking at the… Read More Tug of war

Organists and Organ Playing

Playing by ear

Over the weekend, my husband and I looked in vain all over our apartment for the Christmas carol books. You see, Carl is out playing the piano for St. Andrew’s Priory’s Home for the Holidays fundraiser tonight, and they asked him to play Christmas carols as entertainment. “You mean you actually need the music?” I asked… Read More Playing by ear