Organists and Organ Playing


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor those of you who were unable to attend the Requiem Mass for Carl Crosier (1945-2014), I am now posting the service booklet and the audio of the entire service here. If you would like to listen to the audio clips, I suggest that you print out or view the PDF of the service booklet on your screen so you can follow along. Because St. Theresa’s Co-Cathedral is a very large and reverberant building, it is sometimes difficult to understand the spoken word, so having the service booklet in front of you will be helpful.

I will share the text of the homily in a separate post.

Carl Crosier Requiem Service Booklet (PDF)

Audio clips: (Recorded by Samuel Lam)

Introductory Rites: The rite of reception of the body
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Georgine Stark, Darel Stark and Karen Fujimoto play a Bach aria.
Georgine Stark, Darel Stark and Karen Fujimoto play a Bach aria.

Music before the Service:
Cantata, Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe, BWV 156 (Reid Womack, cello)

Partita in D minor for unaccompanied violin, BWV 1004 (Darel Stark, violin)

Suite in G major for unaccompanied cello, BWV 1007 (Karen Fujimoto, cello)

Cantata, Gott, wie dein Name, so ist auch dein Ruhm, BWV 171 (Georgine Stark, soprano; Darel Stark, violin; Karen Fujimoto, cello; John Renke, organ)

Adagio in G minor, Tomaso Albinoni (Darel Stark, violin; Karen Fujimoto, cello; John Renke, organ)

The Entrance Procession
Liturgy of the Word
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The coffin with yellow roses.
The coffin with yellow roses.

General Intercessions
Liturgy of the Eucharist
The Final Commendation
Libera Me
In paradisum
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At Diamond Head Memorial Park
At Diamond Head Memorial Park

5 thoughts on “Requiem

  1. Thank you for posting this, Kathy. Being present was definitely the plan but it was not to be. I was definitely there in spirit. I have heard from many friends who were there how transcendently beautiful the service was – of course Carl was incapable of planning anything that wasn’t as close to perfect as we are able to be. Your generosity of self and spirit moves me deeply. Mahalo. Aloha

  2. […] As it turns out, I did play for the funeral at St. Andrew’s Cathedral yesterday, but spent most of the 2-1/2 hour-long service sitting on the bench and listening to eulogies drag on and on — over an hour or more! The woman who died was 97 years old, and after about half an hour in, I looked at my phone to check the time. The son who was delivering the first eulogy was up to only recalling events which happened in 1956! Three other grandchildren also spoke at length. It made me appreciate the beautiful (and brief in comparison!) funeral mass we had for Carl Crosier. (Read about it here.) […]

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