Organists and Organ Playing

Forty years!

It’s been forty years (gasp!) since I wrote my first annual Christmas letter, The Crosier Chronicle, a yearly recap of my family’s adventures. The reason I know it’s been forty years since that first Chronicle is that 1982 was the year my son, Stephen, was born and this past November, he celebrated his 40th birthday… Read More Forty years!

Organists and Organ Playing

Brass on Easter?

The following post in the Facebook Organists Association page elicited many responses: Anthony Williams wrote: I have a question for the church musicians. Are you using brass for Easter? Usually, we have a brass quartet, however, with the pandemic we are deciding tonight whether or not to use brass. Any thoughts or suggestions would be… Read More Brass on Easter?

Organists and Organ Playing

Video wizardry

Many churches have not been able to hold in-person worship services during the pandemic and have turned to technology to keep us together. Church musicians have stepped up to the challenge and have become film producers, concerned not only with the music-making, but also video production, creating virtual choir performances, in essence, they have had… Read More Video wizardry

Organists and Organ Playing

Copyright and Public domain

With the coronavirus pandemic has come a whole new vocabulary. I mean, a year ago would you have known any of these terms: social distancing, N95 face mask, in-person, flatten the curve, sharing droplets, PPE (Personal protection equipment), telehealth, zoomers, virtual services, hydroxychloroquine! Many churches chose to livestream or pre-record their services, since indoor crowds… Read More Copyright and Public domain