Early Music

Early Music houseguests

The Crosier Bed and Breakfast aka The Marble Palace is now back again in operation as I have been hosting Paul Leenhouts and his wife, Monika Ruusmaa Leenhouts. They had originally only planned a vacation on Kauai but it was mezzo Jennifer Lane who persuaded them to spend a few days teaching on Oahu at… Read More Early Music houseguests

Dueling Bach, Organists and Organ Playing

Dry run

Yesterday Jieun Kim Newland and I conducted a dry run of our Dueling Bach concert scheduled for Saturday, January 18. What is a “dry run?” Here’s one definition I found: Most believe that dry run was first used in the 1940s, referring to firearm training in the military. Before a gun is fired, the recruits… Read More Dry run