Organists and Organ Playing

The busy beaver

This past weekend, I have been a busy beaver and have found myself working on four separate projects —three of them ultimately will lead to musical events in several churches. I’m guessing it was Carl Crosier’s idea many years ago to produce a color postcard to publicize our special concerts and services — and you can probably guess… Read More The busy beaver

Organists and Organ Playing

The exit hymn

This morning I attended the 11:00 am service at Blessed Sacrament Church in Hollywood, CA where I came to hear organist Hyunju Hwang play the organ. You may remember that it was a year ago last summer that I heard her stunning playing at the Bakersfield AGO convention (see my post “The power of music”… Read More The exit hymn

Organists and Organ Playing

My favorite things

I happened to be sitting next to Hyunju Hwang, the virtuoso Korean organist, at the post-convention recital by Dorothy Young Riess, and when I told her Dorothy was 81, she said, “No! She looks like she’s maybe 60!” Dorothy played a most ambitious program at Olive Drive Church, another mega-church complex here in Bakersfield, and… Read More My favorite things