Early Music

Stunningly sizzling!

I went to the Vivaldi Four Seasons concert last night as part of the First Mondays Concerts at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu, and the work absolutely sizzled under violinist Darel Stark, who played from memory and held us on the edge of our seats with breathless tempos and a stunning display of virtuosity and… Read More Stunningly sizzling!

Organists and Organ Playing

Bravi, tutti!

Bravi, tutti! This was the title of an email we performers received from Scott Fikse, director of Saturday’s “Baroque France” concert, and newly-appointed President for Early Music Hawaii. We were especially encouraged by the large and enthusiastic crowd that filled the Lutheran Church of Honolulu. Scott wrote: Congratulations to all of you on a splendid… Read More Bravi, tutti!

Organists and Organ Playing

Amazing Sophia!

This weekend, Sophia Stark will be singing with the Hawai’i Symphony Orchestra (HSO) in a concert featuring the music from Disney musicals. I believe the last post I wrote about Sophia was when she did a fundraiser for the HSO back in 2022 (“Sophia’s Night”) on her way to study at the Manhattan School of… Read More Amazing Sophia!

Organists and Organ Playing

Sophia’s night

The night before last, I attended “Sophia’s Symphonic Send-off,” a fundraiser for the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra, featuring Sophia Stark, the daughter of Darel and Georgine Stark, shortly before she travels to Tennessee for the national Miss Teen Volunteer American Pageant. In the fall, Sophia will also be attending Manhattan School of Music in New York… Read More Sophia’s night

Organists and Organ Playing

When 3=4

Question: How many people does it take to play a trio sonata? Answer: 4 Huh? I thought a trio meant 3! Nope! That’s because the bass line requires two players, in this case, a cello plus a keyboard instrument to fill out the harmonies (harpsichord or organ). Here’s what Brittanica says on the subject: Trio… Read More When 3=4