Jason Anderson, the Compline Choir director at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle, sent along the link to their latest podcast. He said he couldn’t help but think of Carl during the service: Compline sang about love—specifically, the Ubi Caritas by Durufle—and hymnody and a Psalm setting that amplified. It is a gift for Carl and for you; know that you’re all very much in our prayers and on our minds and hearts here in Seattle.
Here is the music for the service:
The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
for Carl C. Crosier
ORISON: God is love, and where true love is God himself is there (Tune: Ubi caritas [Murray]) — A. Gregory Murray (1905–1992)
PSALM 138 [first performance] — Jason A. Anderson (b. 1976) -dedicated to Carl C. Crosier
HYMN: Lord, make us servants of your peace (Tune: Dickinson College) — Lee Hastings Bristol (1923–1979)
NUNC DIMITTIS: Setting by Dana Marsh (b. 1965)
ANTHEM: “Ubi caritas,” from Quatre motets sur des thèmes grégoriens, op. 10 — Maurice Duruflé (1902–1986); adapt. for men’s voices by Jeff Junkinsmith (b. 1956)
Director: Jason A. Anderson
Reader: William Turnipseed
Cantor: Richard Greene
If you’d like to hear the podcast, click here.
(Unfortunately, there is the sound of an infant crying during the Psalm; Jason wondered why parents would bring such a small child to a 9:30 pm service?)
P.S. Carl was very moved by the podcast of the service, but still had enough energy to critique it, as musicians are wont to do. If you listen closely, you’ll hear Carl’s name mentioned in the prayers.