Organists and Organ Playing

Over the top stunning!

After playing two Sunday morning services plus evensong and benediction in the afternoon I ate a quick snack before my friend Mark Russell took me to the airport. My flight left at 10:45 PM and I arrived in San Francisco at 6:10 AM. I would have felt really wiped out had I not been upgraded to United Polaris, their version of “ lie flat suites.” I’m not sure that I got any sleep on the plane, but at least I felt a lot more comfortable. What luxury!

Flying would be a lot more pleasant if I always traveled by United Polaris!

I was able to find the BART station at the airport and traveled to Powell Street where I walked around in a circle trying to find the Marriott Marquis hotel. Those who know me know that I am directionally-challenged in spite of using my phone’s GPS! Of course it was too early to check into the hotel but at least I went directly to the AGO registration desk to pick up my packet and name tag.

I attended three excellent workshops—The first of which was on improvisation, the second was on using an iPad for organists, in the last on creating hymn re-harmonizations.

In the afternoon we boarded the buses for Oakland, where we heard two absolutely stunning, over the top concerts. The first was at the Cathedral of Light where my friend John Renke still serves as Organist, and we found each other at the entrance!

With John Renke, formerly of Honolulu

Hearing Dong Ill Shin play the Letourneau organ in this gorgeous space was absolutely stunning, with extremely clean technique and refined registrations— one of the most exciting organ concerts I’ve heard in a while. It was a thrilling experience!

After the concert, I found Clay Logue, formerly of Maui and now a resident of Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

With Clay Logue.

We then walked to Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, where we heard the a cappella group Chanticleer sing a wonderfully varied program, from Renaissance to spirituals to contemporary, which showcased the great musicianship and wide vocal range of its singers. Chanticleer is a world class, Grammy award-winning vocal ensemble, and we were really in for a treat!

Clay was able to take this photo:


Both afternoon’s performers received enthusiastic and well-deserved standing ovations and left us all “on a high!”

The evening concert was at Grace Cathedral, a multi-media presentation with colored lights, dance and virtuoso organ playing by Faythe Freese, and who I will never forget her wildly sequined outfits and RED sequined organ shoes! Her virtuosic pedal playing was something to behold—must be the shoes!

Faythe Freese really put on a show!

I finally went to bed about 11:30 pm and didn’t wake up until morning. What a day! What a night!

3 thoughts on “Over the top stunning!

  1. Hi to John Renke (not on FB), with whom I’ve worked twice at the Cathedral of the Light in Oakland—a magnificent space and organ! John is first class as well!

    I’m sure the AGO conference will be spectacular!

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