Organists and Organ Playing, Travel

Status 1K! Woo hoo!

As I was leaving the Marriott Marquis Hotel in San Francisco this morning, I received a text alert on my phone:

I was already in Group 1 to board the plane, and after only a few minutes of stowing my luggage in the overhead bin and strapping on my seat belt, I saw the United Airlines pilot approach my seat to introduce himself as Captain Buck Rodgers. He then presented me with a paper showing our flight path. (I’m afraid I don’t understand any of it!)

He also gave me a Million Miler coin and a handwritten note from the flight crew:

Here’s what I found on the meaning of flying this much:

The Million Miler program, a part of the MileagePlus® program, is for members who have flown a million miles or more on our airline. Once you reach this extraordinary milestone, you’ll get lifetime Premier® status as a thank you for your long-term loyalty.

  1. Circumference of the Earth: The Earth’s equatorial circumference is approximately 24,901 miles. Flying 1 million miles would be roughly equivalent to circumnavigating the Earth approximately 40 times.
  2. Lunar Distance: The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is about 238,855 miles. Accumulating 1 million miles in air travel would be roughly equivalent to traveling to the Moon and back more than four times.
  3. Global Adventures: Flying 1 million miles is equivalent to an extensive global journey, experiencing various cultures, landscapes, and climates. It’s like taking multiple round-the-world trips or an extensive exploration of diverse regions.
  4. Time in the Air: The amount of time spent in the air accumulating 1 million miles depends on factors like flight duration and layovers. However, it would likely involve thousands of hours of flight time.
  5. Career Milestone: Accumulating 1 million miles represents a significant investment of time, dedication, and loyalty to an airline. It’s a remarkable milestone for frequent travelers and often comes with special recognition and privileges, as mentioned in the previous response about the 1 Million Mile Club.
  6. Environmental Impact: It’s worth noting that extensive air travel has an environmental impact due to carbon emissions. As air travel becomes more sustainable, frequent flyers may seek to offset their carbon footprint or choose more eco-friendly options.

And just how long did it take me to accomplish this? Almost a lifetime! Earlier in the week I had received an notice that it was my 35th anniversary of being a United MileagePlus Member.

When the flight had ended and we had made a super smooth landing, I was invited by the flight crew to join the Captain in the cockpit!

I got to sit in the Captain’s seat! It’s way more complicated than an organ console!

5 thoughts on “Status 1K! Woo hoo!

  1. Not surprised to hear that you reached such a milestone with all your adventures around the world! And Capt. Buck Ro(d)gers made me laugh, too!! What are the odds?!?!😂

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