Organists and Organ Playing

Never EVER!

I have just learned that the nephew of a dear friend got scammed for $15,000 because someone is out there impersonating me and asking for money. Let me assure you that I will NEVER EVER ask anyone for money! At least, not for myself!

Here are some suggestion on how to spot a scam:

Slow it down — Scammers often create a sense of urgency so that they can bypass your better instincts. Take your time and ask questions to avoid being rushed into a bad situation.

Verify with a phone call to the person supposedly in need of assistance. Spot check — Do your research to double check the details you’re getting. If you get an unexpected phone call, hang up. Then look up the bank, agency or organization that’s supposedly calling and get in touch directly.

Stop! Don’t send — No reputable person or agency will ever demand payment on the spot. Often, scammers tell you to go buy gift cards—which are meant only to be given as a gift, not as payment under threat. So if you think the payment feels fishy, it probably is.

If, however, you are the victim of a scam, here’s some information from the Federal Trade Commission on what to do:

Scammers can be very convincing. They call, email, and send us text messages trying to get our money or sensitive personal information — like our Social Security or account numbers. And they’re good at what they do. Here’s what to do if you paid someone you think is a scammer or gave them your personal information or access to your computer or phone. If you paid a scammer, your money might be gone already. No matter how you paid, it’s always worth asking the company you used to send the money if there’s a way to get it back. The FTC website will give you some options.

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