Organists and Organ Playing


I learned a new word today: Deux-olingo, which describes someone who is trying to learn two languages at once. I learned the word from one of the latest blogs on the Duolingo app, Go ahead and click the link, you’ll find it most interesting!

It’s only been about three weeks now, but I’ve spent part of my day learning French while continuing my study of Spanish—all while using the app Duolingo. I’m studying so intently because of my upcoming trip to France and Spain in October—in addition to knowing three languages with a degree of competence: English, Spanish and French (and I would rate my speaking ability in that order)

Here are my stats from last week:

Yowzers! Almost 25 hours of my week was spent learning languages! I’m pleasantly surprised that my four years of high school French are coming back easily, although I am frequently mixing up French and Spanish when composing sentences.

Yet, my friend and former organ student, Sachi Hirakouji, came over for lunch yesterday, before she moves back to Japan, and asked me: “do you play the organ every day?” And my answer was, only when I’m playing for a recital.

Of course, I have to prepare weekly organ music for preludes and postludes at Nuuanu Congregational Church, and I’ll be performing in an Early Music Hawaii concert coming up in September.

Plus I’m subbing at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church the end of August, which will need quite a bit of preparation. I’ll play the 9:00 am service at Nuuanu Congregational Church then I’ll travel across town to play the 10:30 am service at St. Mark’s. Even though I’ve subbed there quite a bit, I will have to re-familiarize myself with the instrument, in addition to reviewing all the accompanied liturgical music: Introit, Kyrie, Gloria, Nicene Creed, Offertory Antiphon, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Communion Antiphon, 3 hymns and the Angelus Domini. Whew! That’s a bunch of music!

Last week I also designed the upcoming season brochure for Early Music Hawaii and tomorrow I’ll design a postcard for the September Polish Renaissance concert.

Early Music Hawaii’s season brochure for 2022-2023

Not enough hours in the day!

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