Organists and Organ Playing



We love reducing these people’s names down to three letters as evidenced by these representations of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and Martin Luther King.

Here are some more:


I bet you got real excited when you saw the title of this blog post, though, eh? Your first thought was that the AOC stood for politician Alexandria Ocásio-Cortez, and that she was coming to the Lutheran Church of Honolulu (the church on Punahou Street), but I’m afraid I’ll have to burst your bubble.

You see, next Monday night, December 7, 2020 at 7:00 pm (HST… that’s Hawaiian Standard Time), I’ll be playing a concert called Advent Organ Chorales (AOC) at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu (LCH).

Here’s a description I wrote:

The art of hymn introductions was perfected in Germany, where the “chorale prelude” was developed by Johann Sebastian Bach and other north German composers. The chorale prelude is a relatively short setting for organ which is intended to introduce the hymn tune to the congregation. This concert will feature a wide variety of Advent chorale preludes by international composers from Germany, France, Norway, and the United States: Bach, Johann Pachelbel, Hugo Distler, Marcel Dupré, Egil Hovland, Gerald Near and Paul Manz. A quartet will sing the hymns immediately following each chorale prelude.

The concert will be livestreamed and then archived on the Lutheran Church of Honolulu Facebook page on Dec. 7 at 7:00 pm:

The singers who will be joining me will be Naomi Barrett (soprano), Sarah Young (alto), Bowe Souza (tenor) and Jeremy Wong (bass), and Scott Fikse will conduct.

Hope to “see” you on Facebook Live next Monday!

At the Beckerath organ at the Lutheran Church of Honolulu