Organists and Organ Playing

Winter clothes at the organ!

The Woolsey Hall Organ, Yale University
The Woolsey Hall Organ, Yale University
Winter at the organ!
Look at what Joey is wearing!

I had heard people on the mainland talk about it on Facebook, but it was not until today that I received my November issue of The Diapason, (An international monthly magazine devoted to the organ, the harpsichord, carillon and church music), and this month’s issue focused on the Woolsey Hall organ at Yale University. And there on page 27, was the photo which caught my attention. It was my former student, Joey Fala! whose picture has appeared in so many national organ magazines that I’ve lost count!

What caught my eye, however, was what Joey was wearing—a jacket with a fur lining! And look at the color of his hands! They’re red— probably from the cold! I had a feeling this photo was taken in the winter, but it also made me wonder whether they turn on the heat at Yale!

You see, when I remember Joey, I think of him in Hawaii, wearing shorts and rubber slippers—not winter clothes! Come to think of it, when I was in New Haven in February of this year, it was pretty cold in those practice rooms in the basement of Woolsey Hall. You might also remember that my flight back to Hawaii was cancelled because of a snowstorm, and I had to delay my return by a couple of days.

I just booked my flight to New Haven for Joey’s final graduate recital on Sunday, February 5th, 2017, and by george, it’s again in the dead of winter. This year I’ll be stopping first in Bloomington, IN to take in the Handel opera, Rodelinda, and will stay with Dana Marsh, director of the Historical Performance Institute at the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University. It’s likely that it will be pretty cold in Indiana at that time, too! For someone who lives in Hawaii, both destinations will seem like the North Pole!

Facebook users may be interested in seeing this video from Joey’s half-recital on November 16, 2016.

I returned home from Berkeley, CA on Monday afternoon, and Tuesday morning, I was again back at St. Andrew’s Cathedral playing the organ for the St. Andrews’ Schools weekly chapel service. It never fails, whenever I go to the Cathedral for the occasion of the Priory chapel, I always think of Carl Crosier. You see, he was not only the chief financial officer of the school, he was the “Master of the Acolytes” at weekly chapel service. The opening hymn was “Hyfrydol,” the third verse of which I always use his harmonization, which I did! Carl lives on through his music!

Tuesday afternoon found me back at Iolani School where I was called to play a funeral for a current Iolani parent. And next week I will play the first rehearsal for the Iolani Chorus’ Christmas concert, which I will be playing on December 16.

Guess I’m not completely retired after all!


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