Yesterday the following message was sent out to members of the Association of Anglican Musicians:

If you would like to visit the CaringBridge site created for Peter, please click here. Jason Anderson, Peter’s successor as director of the Compline Choir, created the site.

Over the past three years, I have written eighteen posts about composer Peter Hallock, which you can re-read by clicking here. I would have to say that the experiences which Carl Crosier had with Peter Hallock at St. Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle, had a profound influence on his church music career. In fact, you might especially be interested in re-reading the posts titled, “Peter Hallock — The Hawaii Connection, Part I” and “Peter Hallock — The Hawaii Connection, Part II.”
Peter now is at a skilled nursing facility, Providence Marianwood, with a declining heart condition.
Here is a sampling of some of the many tributes pouring in:
“Your music has been a gift thousands, your love has spread throughout the church music profession, and your example has been a light for us all. Thank you, Peter. You’ll not be forgotten. ” (Judy Dodge)
We will forever be grateful for the legacy you’ve given us. Compline Choir begins in a few months at Calvary Santa Cruz. Thank you! (Carol & Murray, Calvary Episcopal, Santa Cruz, CA)
I wanted to let you know that we are praying for you in Atlanta, GA. My choirs over the years have sung many of your Psalm settings and we have been blessed by every one of them. As my choir at Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church, Riverdale, GA sings your setting of Psalm 118 tomorrow we will hold you close to our hearts as we rejoice in Christ’s resurrection. Alleluia! Christ is risen! (John Sabine)
Here is a video of the University of North Texas University Singers performing Peter Hallock’s “Song of Moses,” directed by Richard Sparks. As it is early Easter morning as I write this, I am reminded that the LCH Choir performed the work on Easter Day a number of times.
Thanks for letting all of us know about this, Katherine. I’m sorry to hear this, but Peter has lived such a wonderful life and created so much beauty in the world. He will live on long past all of us, I hope, in the music he has created.
Thank you, Katherine, for posting this. I wanted to let your readers know that if they would like to listen to some of Peter’s music, that over a third of the examples in my book (which is dedicated to Peter) are his compositions for the Compline Choir. I recently modified the titles at so that you can see which ones were composed by him.