Organists and Organ Playing


Everyone enjoyed ice cream in the courtyard after the concert.
Everyone enjoyed ice cream in the courtyard after the concert.

When I read the Wikipedia entry for “perfectionism,” I knew right away that I’m guilty. Here’s what it says: Perfectionism, in psychology, is a personality trait characterized by a person’s striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high performance standards, accompanied by overly critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others’ evaluations.

So guess what I’m doing this afternoon? Yup, I’m meeting with Pierre Grill, the recording engineer, to re-record that section of the third “Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr” where I hit the wrong piston when the chorale finally appears in measure 85. Luckily that “wrong piston” wasn’t full organ! And because we’re only re-recording the audio, at least I don’t have to get dressed up in my concert outfit!

Greeting Marsha Schweitzer in the courtyard.
Greeting Marsha Schweitzer in the courtyard. AGO Treasurer Sam Lam looks on.

I thought I would share some more of the notes people have written me in the aftermath of my two Bach concerts.

Congratulations on your huge achievement. I can’t believe that you just started working on this in January. I was totally immersed throughout — by the music itself, your playing and concept of the grand plan and left with an intense feeling of the richness and joy of the experience. E.L.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful organ music with all of us who admire your extraordinary gifts and talents. N. S. A.

Rudy Riingen helped put the ice cream into the cups.
Rudy Riingen helped put the mint chocolate chip ice cream scoops into the cups.

Thank you for continuing to inspire me with your awesome performances. E. W.

What a great concert! Your playing was superb, and I loved the way the program was designed. The stunning choir complimented you so well. Kathy, I want to especially commend you for your most gracious words in closing the concert. You are truly a loving and beautiful woman. M. P. R.

What a wonderful concert series!
S. A. W.

Blueberry ice cream from Tropilicious
Blueberry ice cream from Tropilicious

P. S. The ice cream was a nice touch. M. R.

The very best news about the concerts was that they were a fundraiser for the scholarship programs of the Hawaii Chapter American Guild of Organists. After expenses (printing the postcards, the programs, postage, etc.) we net over $3,000 on the concerts and together with the gifts from my Celebration party on April 14, we raised over $5,700 for the scholarship program!

If you have ever wanted to learn how to play the organ, take this opportunity to fill out a scholarship application right now by clicking here. Don’t delay! the scholarship deadline is September 5th and is open to any Hawaii resident.

It's all over!
It’s all over!