In previous posts, I wrote about the importance of professional musicians to the musical life of the Lutheran Church of Honolulu — not only the instrumentalists for Christmas and Easter, but also for our Abendmusiken series and Bach Vespers. Check out this post: Honolulu Symphony Musicians at LCH. Over the years LCH has been blessed by the symphony musicians not only in our community but in our parish, and now Hawaii will get a second chance to have a professional orchestra.

I’m reposting Howard Daniel’s letter to the Star-Advertiser here. I sincerely hope that you will support the Hawai’i Symphony Orchestra in its new life, not only by purchasing tickets and attending their concerts, but also undergirding it with your generous donations.
Let’s treat symphony better this time
Lovers of orchestral music are about to be rewarded with the inaugural season of the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra, March 4 to May 20.
When the Honolulu Symphony died two years ago, many expressed regret, saying, in so many words, “It’s been a while since I went to a concert, and now the symphony is gone. I really enjoyed their music … I wish I’d gone more often.”
We won’t have to suffer such regrets again.
With tickets now on sale, we have a second chance to show our support for this wonderful ensemble, which (as the Honolulu Symphony) routinely won praise from the soloists and conductors who performed with it. I hope everyone will take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy this orchestra, one of Hawaii’s stand-out cultural resources.
Howard E. Daniel
You can go to the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra website at to purchase tickets. Let’s support our symphony!
That’s excellent news! (Wonder if they need another oboist?)
Thank you so much for posting this, Katherine. Let’s hope all those who like it and like the Symphony will repost it in their turn — AND buy tickets AND support the orchestra with generous donations!