The second harpsichord recital was by Luca Guglielmi, the same person who played the second organ recital at Wellesley College yesterday. He played a lot of Bach and Handel in today’s concert, and I can’t imagine him playing a full-blown organ recital yesterday and completely different repertoire on a completely different insrument today. But he did it!
After a short break, we heard two fortepiano recitals — the first by Christoph Hammer whom we had heard play the harpsichord so marvelously on the University of North Texas faculty concert, and then Kristian Bezuidenhout who was the harpsichordist last night. Today Kristian talked about the phrasing and articulation in Mozart, and it is obvious he is a brilliant but sensitive Mozart player. Carl says he plays ALL music extremely well, not just Mozart! We went up to him afterwards to re-introduce ourselves and give him a souvenir of Hawaii and he remembered us from our meeting in Saintes, France, last summer. What’s also astounding is that he remembered the builder of the fortepiano we own in Honolulu!
Our 5 pm concert was a chamber music program of baroque violin, cello and harpsichord. I must say that there’s not been one bad concert all week!
And tonight were the glorious voices of the Tallis Scholars, conducted by Peter Philips. They sang a very familiar motet, “O magnum mysterium” of Victoria and the mass based on the same tune (which the LCH choir sang two years ago on Christmas Day.) There were only 10 singers, with two on a part. Carl said he would be happy to have any of those singers in his choir — any day!
So there you have it, another six concerts today. That makes 12 in the last two days! And tomorrow and Sunday will be equally chock-a-block with musical events.