One of the year’s most eagerly-awaited concerts at LCH is coming up in a couple of weeks. No, I’m not referring to the upcoming Bach Mass in B-Minor! I’m talking about the Fill the Ark VII benefit concert for Heifer International on Saturday, March 12th at 4 pm.

Seven years ago, it was the idea of Mitchell Gorman, one of our young parishioners, that the children of LCH put on a benefit concert for Heifer International during the season of Lent. The goal of that first concert, and subsequent concerts, was a whopping $5,000 — enough to buy a whole ark of farm animals for families in need around the world. The suggested donation was $1/day for each of the 40 days of Lent, and if 100 people each bought a $40 share, we would raise $4,000, with the final $1,000 not far behind.

The miracle is, not only did the children raise $5,000 that first year, but every year since, totalling a whopping $30,000 to date. But the best part of the concert is hearing the wide variety of performances from these young children, from violin, cello, piano, organ, hula, Tahitian dance and dramatic recitation. Four of my young organ students will perform on this concert.
And the truth of the matter is — these kids are good! and such a delight to listen to!