The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) is an organization that Carl and I have been members of for more than twenty years. According to their website, “ALCM is a service and professional organization dedicated to strengthening the ministry of worship and music in the Lutheran church. ALCM serves through a wide range of publications, conferences, and local, regional, and national events. Membership is drawn from all major Lutheran bodies and is open to all church musicians, pastors, congregations, and lay people who share the goals of the organization.”

We were invited to join by David Dahl, retired organ professor of Pacific Lutheran University, and have attended many of their national and regional conferences. Each time we have had “mountain-top” experiences, and come home renewed and inspired.
Unlike the American Guild of Organists, of which we are also a part, ALCM members deal with a common liturgy, the same hymnals, and many of the same challenges and problems as our counterparts.
We have learned much from our ALCM colleagues, and many, in fact, have become life-long friends. We’ve exchanged Christmas cards and watched our children grow up.
Well, right now I’m in a state of shock, because I’ve just been informed that I have been elected Vice-President of Region IV of ALCM! This region encompasses Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, in addition to Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan and Yukon Territories in Canada. I didn’t have to do any campaigning, in fact, all I did was submit a resumé and a picture. No sign-waving necessary!
The election was held some time ago and I never heard any news until now, so I assumed I wasn’t elected. I was assured, though, that most board meetings are conducted by telephone conference or by email, so I won’t have to do a lot of extra traveling.
I’m excited by the possibilities that this new position will bring me, however, and I’ll keep you up to date on my ALCM activities.